Sunday, July 29, 2007

Thieves these days...

Guess that thieves these days will do anything to get money, including stealing buttons for money. But still, stealing a push button like that requires alot of skill considering its locked pretty tight to prevent it from popping out. Anyway aside from that, the usual happened to me, aside from the usual hectic situation school gives, I mean, coding web services and all sucked pretty bad (Its easy to understand but a little complicated to get what you want outta it.)

Plus the exams draw nearer and nearer, not to mention I have 4 projects yet to finish fully due to the fact that my program's full of bugs that I have yet to polish up heck, I am sick of writing;

localhost.Services m = new localhost.Services();

line all over again like every time I want to add a new function. Its a pain.

That just concludes my usual post, hopefully more posts on anime related stuff to come soon. I mean after all there's ton of animes that I've been waiting for that has yet to be released.

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